4-H Clover Bits October 2022
October 2022 Edition
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You and your family are cordially invited to attend the Barren County 4-H Achievement Banquet on Tuesday, November 22 beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Barren County Extension Office Auditorium in Glasgow. The menu includes: Baked Country Ham, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beans, Baked Apples, Rolls, Desserts, Tea, Milk or Water.
The delicious meal will be prepared by Diane’s Cakes and Catering. The cost for the meal will be $10.00 per person. Reservations and money (checks made payable to Barren County 4-H Council) are due by Tuesday, November 15 to the Barren County Extension Office. The champions and participants of the Barren County, Mammoth Cave Area, District 6, State 4-H Talk Meet, Demonstrations, Beef, Dairy, Country Ham, Horse, 4-H Teen Summit, 4-H Camp, Barren County Fair, KY State Fair Cloverville , Issues Conference and other 4-H events will be recognized. The county 4-H record book, honors awards and scholarships will be announced. The 4-H club adult and teen leaders will receive recognition for their efforts. The new 2022-23 Barren County 4-H Officers will be installed. Only the 4-H leaders and members who are present at the 4-H banquet will have their names called for recognition.
Remember to RSVP by calling the Barren County Extension Office at (270)651-3818 to make your reservations and turn in your money by Tuesday, November 15.